In my personal spiritual life, I have come to certain conclusions about what must be true. When I first watched videos from Jesus, there were several things he had to have said before I could believe he was who he said he was. 1. There is a God, He/She has male and female characteristics, and is a being with personality and not just an unconscious energy source. Many New Agers believe that God is a substance that does not emote or have independent thought. They often refer to God as the Source. I could not believe that as it did not coincide with my experiences with God or my personal beliefs. If Jesus did not also say this, I would not keep following his teachings. 2. Jesus is the son of God in the same way you and I and everyone else are sons and daughters of God. I had the special gift to be raised in a faith that taught that Jesus was a prophet of God and not a part of God or God Himself. The Muslims believe this but sadly, most Christians do not. There is no trinity of God ...