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Showing posts from June, 2019

Qualifications I Have for Jesus

In my personal spiritual life, I have come to certain conclusions about what must be true. When I first watched videos from Jesus, there were several things he had to have said before I could believe he was who he said he was. 1. There is a God, He/She has male and female characteristics, and is a being with personality and not just an unconscious energy source. Many New Agers believe that God is a substance that does not emote or have independent thought. They often refer to God as the Source. I could not believe that as it did not coincide with my experiences with God or my personal beliefs. If Jesus did not also say this, I would not keep following his teachings. 2. Jesus is the son of God in the same way you and I and everyone else are sons and daughters of God. I had the special gift to be raised in a faith that taught that Jesus was a prophet of God and not a part of God or God Himself. The Muslims believe this but sadly, most Christians do not. There is no trinity of God ...

The Pyramid of Power

According to The Sage of Quay, going off the book The Memoirs of Billy Shears, there are 66 levels or degrees in the Pyramid of Power. The first 33 degrees are the Scottish Rite of Free Masonry. Above them are 13 degrees of the Illuminati. Then there are 20 degrees of people or beings that no one will know about except for the people in those degrees.