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Showing posts from November, 2019

An Oasis

I've been wanting to go to this restaurant in Chicago for a while. It's called Loving Heart Vegan. I am always looking out for businesses with good business names and that was/is a Golden Child in a sea of bleh.     Before going, I looked the place up. There is a guru named Ching Hai who shares her spiritual principles, inspires vegan establishments like this, and even has a fashion line.   I ordered a spirulina smoothie and a chocolate cupcake, found a book from the shelf, and sat down to greet this beautiful plant. Give it up for real plants in restaurants!   I chilled for a bit, drinking my smoothie and thumbing through the book courtesy of Supreme Master Ching Hai. Then I landed on this page.     I found this passage to be very interesting because it is the best attempt I have found yet to characterize the, um, gender? or sex... of God. I'm not sure if God has a sex or a gender. Apparently God has sex with Him/Herself... bu...