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My Problems with Black People

I am jealous of black people. I am jealous because I have a 4.3 inch penis and they typically have larger penises - a lot larger. They are also more physically capable than I am. They are typically able to jump higher and run faster. Most black men that I have grown up with show a much easier ability to have muscles and impressive physiques. They seem to do this with ease. I believe black people are generally more agile than myself.

I am jealous of black people for these reasons and believe these things give them greater confidence with women. Because of these physical attributes, I think they are better off getting women than I am.

I think black people are cooler than I am. I could never rap the way that they do and generally feel that that shows a greater wit or a greater ability to think on their feet.

Black people tend to be stronger and faster and they also seem to sing better than I can or any other race that I know. I don't know of other people that have as broad a depth to their voices. It seems like it's no competition.

I don't know why there are so many unwed black people. I don't know if that is a problem. I personally don't hold marriage as an institution in high regard so I don't know that it matters terribly. At the same time, I have a feeling that black people do not take very good care of their kids and that black fathers, for whatever reason, do not spend time with their kids.

I believe there is also a lot of promiscuity among black people and I think that is wrong. Part of the problem of raising children stems from too much promiscuity and a lack of deep romantic relationships.

On the positive side, I believe black people are more honest. I think black people are not as fake as Caucasians, East Asians or Indians. However, I think black people can take this too far when they wear they abusively demand respect or inclusion or acknowledgement. I think many times their demand for greater rights is just a demand for more attention and benefits which is unequal.

I think there is a lot of animosity towards white people in my society, especially from black people. I don't think that is right and wish it was not so. I don't know how deliberate it is but I have grown up thinking that I am evil as a white person just for being here.

I think black people are very violent. I think black men rape more. I think black mothers and fathers are very violent towards their kids - inexcusably so. I would believe mothers are more domineering, abusive, and violent toward their children than black fathers.

I believe a lot of black people do not want to take responsibility for their lives and take advantage of the welfare system that is available in America. I believe that black women will sleep with more men more often so they can have more children and therefore more help from the government.

I don't know how many of these differences are true. I believe that black people are superior to white people. I have a general distrust towards God that he would make one race superior towards another.

I also think that black people culturally are very good with music and dance. I really enjoy blues, which originated in the black culture in America.

I am very triggered when people talk about White Privilege. I think even bringing that topic up in a conversation is done with the intent of steering the conversation away from the truth. But I don't know. For me, White Privilege making sense means that I am more privileged than other races. That is another way of saying that other races have less benefits than myself. But to me, everyone has equal benefits. In many ways, black people have more benefits. However, the benefits that they received (in the form of government entitlements) has only hurt their abilities and options and prevented their growth.

In general, I am confused about many of these issues which I think is demonstrated by some errors in the logic of this document. For instance, I believe black people are superior while also believing that God would not make one race superior. I also believe that there should be equality but don't see it being possible by the simple fact of the issues I have raised.

Regardless of how right I am or not, I have attempted to declare my opinions and thoughts as truthfully as possible.
