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Showing posts from October, 2017

No one is interested in Jesus, Mary, or the Divine Truth

In my experience, when I talk about the beautiful things I have learned from Jesus and Mary, most people believe that I have a mental problem. Sometimes I will send Youtube videos, even short ones, to friends or family and they will either not be watched, not be commented on, or the person will watch it briefly, find something they don't like about it and discontinue watching. I have told more than a hundred people (perhaps even hundreds) that I believe Jesus lives in Australia and most of them think there is something wrong with me. People wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face. There was a common analogy that was drawn in the church I was raised in to do with Jesus' life on Earth in comparison to Sun Myung Moon's life on Earth. That analogy was that, of all the people living at the time who could have listened to and followed Jesus, few actually did. In fact, people were not even impartial. They violently opposed him and then killed him. Sun Myung...

On Work

Olivier Schneller says: “By being forced to work, we are lead to believe that work is a burden, we forget that we actually want to work, and as a result, our engagement level is limited.” Therefore, productivity and value is diminished. Work that you are FORCED to do is work you should avoid. As Thoreau said, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." What kind of life will you lead? Again, Schneller says, "What would you do if you didn't have to earn any money and you were free to follow your passion?"

Dear Soulmate

I wish I knew where you were. I guess that might be my addictive need for a woman to give me attention in my life. But maybe there is more to it. There probably is. I have learned that finding you is all about going into myself and since we are one and the same at the end of the day, that all makes sense. Dear lady, where are you? I am a little afraid of you, truth be told. Maybe you hate men. So many women out there do. I know that I am not the most trustworthy of men. I have my problems. But one thing I have learned is: I don’t deserve to be hated. I pray that we can find each other. It means so much to me. I feel like if I could just see you, I would think about you always. That’s probably a pipe dream. I look at a lot of women. Maybe I would see you and then forget about you. You may not be beautiful on the outside, let’s face it. But I know there is a beautiful you inside. And there is a beautiful you inside AND outside in the potential of you provided by God. What I’m sayi...

On Aging

We don't have to grow old and die. The soul gives life to the spiritual and physical bodies. When the soul is compromised in its operations, so too are the operations of the spiritual and physical bodies compromised. When I say compromise, I mean the soul is not embracing its purpose and growing. When we prevent our soul from feeling an emotion, we begin to create a membrane around it that inhibits its potential. The more feelings we suppress, the greater and stronger that membrane becomes. When I talk about emotions, I'm talking about frustration, anger, sadness, hate, shame, fear, anxiety, depression, stoicism, love, joy, ecstasy, and sexual desire. When we suppress any emotion, we hurt ourselves. The only reason why people grow old and die is because we fail to recognize our soul. When we realize that our soul, as a creation of God was made with the potential of full and beautiful expression, then we will start on the road towards health and life. ...

Removal from the Draft in the U.S.

Today I sent a letter to the Selective Service System. The SSS registers people for possible drafting into the military. In my letter I declare my removal from registration with the organization.The letter is copied and printed in its entirety here: [address] [phone] [email] October 5, 2017 To Whom It May Concern in the Selective Service System, My name is Theodore Emmanuel Kirkley. I was born on July the 22nd in 1985 in a hospital in Queens, New York. When I was in my late teens, I remember registering with the Selective Service at the Post Office in Bridgeport, Connecticut in order to get Federal Student Aid. I take full responsibility for the decision that I made to register with the Selective Service System. However, my feelings and attitudes have changed in recent years. I cannot, in good conscience, remain registered with the Selective Service knowing that at some point I may be called to military service. In the current times, military service in the Uni...

The Soul Should Replace the Concept of the Subconscious in Psychology

Dr. Cassidy: "Mary, how are you coming along with your gambling addiction?"   Mary: "Well, I think things are pretty good. I think I'm at a place where I can handle it more."   Dr. Cassidy: "Have you been to the casino recently?" Mary: "Yes. I was there yesterday."   Dr. Cassidy: "I see."   Mary: "But it was only for 8 hours. Usually, I'm there for 10."       People often say they want to change but their actions don't match their speech.   Mary might tell Dr. Cassidy that she knows she has a gambling problem and wants to change. She may go to her therapist for years and say everyday how much she wants to change.   But the proof is in the pudding. If she is still going to the casino for long hours, she has no leg to stand on when she declares her desire to beat her addiction.   When someone repeatedly says they want to do one thing, but their regular behavior reflects a differen...