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People who say, "They only do it for the money"

The whole argument that certain people only do things for the money is off base. Yes, there are some people that seek only for fame and fortune. But more often than not, someone who blames all ventures, endeavors, and business launches on the motivation and question for money and wealth needs to check themselves.

As it is, we live in a system that demands we have money in order to operate our lives. That doesn't need to be the case forever but it is what we have now. Instead of throwing the system out completely, we need to live in the system and change the hearts and minds of people. To start with, we need to look at ourselves and what our motivations are. Are we doing what we do for the good of humanity or not? Are we producing and selling beef burgers or guns that ultimately kill people or are we growing organic food or helping people with their addictions? There are all kinds of ethical industries that we can be a part of.

But that's not the point I wanted to make.

What I want to say is, if you think someone is doing something only for the money, think again. It really speaks to a flaw in logic and a lack of experience in a position of authority to even carry that attitude. Before you judge, ask yourself how many times you have taken on the burdens of a management position, owning or operating a business, or some other position of great responsibility. Before you blame people and their motivations, first try to weed through the government laws and regulations that are in place that, while often start with good intentions, can often unnecessarily impede good business. Try to deal with clients and customers that are unruly and antagonistic. Try manufacturing a product on a deadline. Try dealing with employees that have serious life issues. Try hiring an employee and then finding you have to let them go for some reason. The life of people who have a lot of responsibility is not as rosy as you think. A million bucks in the bank account won't solve all your problems and doesn't make you a happy person.

So please, practice love and compassion, and try to be responsible yourself before blaming people prematurely for their greed.
