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The Truth of the World

The following are my beliefs and what I know to be true presently. It has been updated from its original form which was shared by video in two parts. The links are below.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Who We Are As Creations of God
God is a living entity of love and compassion who has created a Universe in which His/Her children are meant to flourish and thrive in joy, happiness, peace, and profound abundance should we choose to ask for and receive the one greatest thing in all the Universe: God’s Love. God is an entity with male and female characteristics. He has created Souls which incarnate on the earth. At the moment of incarnation a Soul is given a male or female spirit and physical body. A short time later (normally no more than 20 years later) the second half of that soul incarnates onto the earth and is given a male or female spirit and physical body. It is God’s plan that we grow in love and attract our one soulmate to live in an eternity of joy and creativity where adventure can never end.

The Human Soul is the greatest of God’s Creations and is the one creation that has been given the gift of Free Will to choose its path. We may choose to accept God’s ready Love or we may choose to go away from it. Human life is a process of discovery of all the many gifts God has in store for us. Before incarnation, our Souls did not have any awareness of itself. Through the process of incarnating on the earth we are given the chance to learn about our potential and the Love of our Creator. We learn that all actions have consequences. Through our desire for wisdom and more joy, we may learn to evaluate our own actions and see which ones provide positive benefits and which ones provide negative ones. In other words, we begin to see how we are compensated poorly for unloving actions and compensated abundantly for loving ones.

The State of the World
Because of the condition of the world, it is difficult upon our entry into this Universe, to succeed. Our soul soaks up negative energy from our first days in the womb. As a result of this, we are born with emotional wounds that are difficult to understand and sift through. We may think, because of our compromised state, that certain actions are loving when they are not, and it may take many years to realize the truth about what we do. Many of us are not willing to hear the truth of the Universe because we are not ready to believe that a Loving Parent is truly above us. We are either too afraid of our own parents to believe God has amazing Love to give or are actively in rebellion to any authority figure because of bad treatment.

Unfortunately, due to the unloving condition of mankind, there is a relationship of slave and slavemaster currently on the earth. Fear breeds all unloving behavior. We will protect our inner child so passionately and do everything we can to avoid our own fear that we are driven to the most cruel and inhuman actions imaginable. The people who are the most cunning and knowledgeable when it comes to human behavior have placed themselves in positions of authority to rule over the less-cunning masses. These slavemasters live to subjugate and dominate the rest of us for their own ill-gotten gain.

In the end, there is no authority that can replace God’s authority. God is in charge and does reserve absolute control. But because we have free will, we are allowed to walk away from again. The slavemasters cleverly control our access to information in the attempt to retain their personal power. The truth, however, is that God has given every one of His/Her children the ability to access truth through the loving use of their own free will. God will never withhold the truth from His/Her children because He/She wants us to know everything.

So we have this situation in which truth is carefully covered up in a slave to slavemaster equation. But even the slave can overcome its master here on earth when it goes to God in earnest prayer.

We Are Emotional Beings
One of the best kept secrets is the realm of emotions. To call someone emotional has often been a way to connote that that person is highly circumspect and given to extreme, unproductive behavior. That may be true but it is only true to the extent that the person is emotional in their attempt to control and manipulate others through blackmail.

The truth is that we are beings of emotionality. There are negative emotions of anger, rage, hate, fear, anxiety, and jealousy but there are also those positive emotions of love, elation, compassion, empathy, and excitement. Ultimately, we are meant to unite with our soulmate to enjoy a life of sexual and romantic love. Every interaction a soulmate pair has with others of God’s children is an opportunity to learn more about the personality and nature of our Eternal Parent.

People who have had religious experiences in their lives will testify that they have felt a sense of love overwhelm them and cleanse their very soul. Those who have not had this experience cannot attest to it and will often talk of those who have experienced it as delusional, religious fanatics. It must be understand that people’s ignorance of God has to do with the slavemasters desire to keep people controlled. This is why, in many cases, those who have this religious experience, which may be either the reception of God’s love or communion with a spirit in the spirit world, are not deluded as others may claim.

Receiving God’s Love
God’s Love comes into our souls through the mechanism of the Holy Spirit which acts as a transmission device. It can happen anywhere at anytime. The reception of God’s Divine Love may happen to anyone and there is no discrimination in its operation. The only thing a human soul must have to receive this love is the intense, earnest, and sincere desire for it. The only thing a human being need do is ask sincerely of its Creator to be the recipient of this love. It is through a humble heart that desires to know its Creator and His/Her gifts that a human soul will be the benefactor of the Greatest Possession in the Universe: namely the Divine Love of our Eternal Parent.

When a human being experiences the joy of the reception of the Divine Love, an amazing thing happens in their heart. Their soul begins to change in physically imperceptible ways. They begin to change and become something different. Their spiritual senses may be heightened. Ultimately, their capacity for love is elevated. As that individual seeks sincerely for more and more of God’s Love and receives more and more of it, that individual increases in its abilities and knowledge. The only reasons someone is not receiving the Divine Love is because they are either not actively seeking for it with sincerity or because they have a misunderstanding of God. A person who believes God to be a wrathful, angry entity will not receive this Great Love because their soul is not harmonious at that moment with the reception. Feeling God’s love can only occur when a soul recognizes the truth that God is a wholly loving being with no anger, wrath, or desire for harm.

The Heart Is Greater than the Mind
The incarnated soul has three parts. The first is the soul which operates in the highest capacity imaginable at the level of emotion and feeling. The second is the spirit body which has thoughts of the mind which exists as an intrinsic part of the spirit. The third is the physical body which has a brain which stimulates the operations of the physical body. It is of the utmost importance for a person to realize that their thoughts and ideas, beliefs and morality ultimately originate in the soul. As Lao Tzu has said, “Beware your thoughts, they become your words, beware your words, they become your actions…” and so on. However, the true adept will discover that the level of emotions and feeling comes even before the thoughts. Therefore, we have coined the mysterious word “heart” which suggests an aspect of ourselves beyond physicality. The “heart” is the basis of all romantic love and compassion. It is what we sing about in love songs. The true romantic desires the heart of his or her lover before even the physical qualities. The true romantic knows the heart is the doorway to true love and joy.

Sex without love is a vapid, fruitless, and wasteful activity. True sexual excitement comes from a heart to heart connection.

Sadly, we live in a world where evil and sin is dominant. People live to feed their own emotional addictions. People are starving for love but don’t know what it looks or feels like. As a result, people have placed the mathematics of the mind above the workings of the heart. Brain science and neurology dominates the medical field. Issues pertaining to the mind dominate many religious discussions. The mind’s development is thought to be the primary objective for a successful life. It is thought that the full utilization of the mind is the great trophy of existence such that its health and elevation would lead to all the most coveted gifts that life has to offer.

Herein lies the gross travesty of existence on Earth. We attempt to replace the heart, which is and always will be the primary motivator, with the workings of the mind, whose rightful place is as servant to the sacred heart. Little do we believe that it is a healthy heart that can drive a healthy mind. Without full consciousness of what it is we are doing, we attempt to impose abstract rules and doctrine upon the workings of the heart and keep ourselves in a box. But as the popular saying goes, “the heart wants what it wants.” And the heart wants what it wants whether the thing it wants is an evil or unloving end or a loving one. The heart which is in the soul is what psychologists refer to as “the subconscious.” We will follow the dictates of our heart whether for good or for ill, no matter what we tell our friends.

The State of the World is a Reflection of Our Sin
Because of the emotional injuries we have sustained from the moment we incarnated upon the earth, we walk around with a wounded heart. Vainly, in the goal of securing itself, the heart will dictate our mind towards sinful action. In our ignorance, we may believe we are helping our situation when we are only further hamstringing our opportunities at joy.

Look at the tired and huddled masses and the way we seem to mill about the earth like fearful cockroaches, trapped in a spiderweb of our own making. Look at the way we grab for coffee, sugary food, and alcoholic drink, senselessly forging through each hour of the day with gambling, violent games, voyeurism, and tacky sexual escapades. Are we acting like the Pinnacles of God’s Creation or are we sleeping zombies, too afraid of our true loving desires to act on them, too downtrodden to believe love is even a thing of reality to actually look for it, too wasted and burdened by our sinful ways.

“If there is a God,” we say to ourselves, “surely, he is as evil as we are.” How pitiful and depraved we are. How sad it is that we repeatedly deny the opportunity of a relationship with the most humble and loving entity in the Universe, our own loving Creator. How sad that we make up lies about and spite our own loving Creator. And all the while through the depths of our sin, Our Dearest God still loves us and seeks our return to His/Her bosom. How deep and vast, longsuffering and steadfast is the love of our own Creator.

And so we are born into this world, scared and frightened children, not knowing where to turn or what is right and good. We try and try and are betrayed and bullied and deliberately lied to.

How We Are Easily Controlled
How easy is it then to obey the influence of the darkest of hearts? How easy is it to covet the golden ticket, to follow the carrot on the stick? We sell our souls for a pocketful of promises. How often do we, over the course of our lives, sell our own agency and lease our own autonomy to the willing hands of earthly subjects, our supposed rulers?

Then perhaps the previous statements I made of the relationship of the slave to the slavemaster ought now be amended. For are we slaves or just childish victims, too afraid to attempt to take responsibility over our own lives, too morally defunct and apathetic to believe there may be a greater purpose to our very lives.

In this great, churning, and chaotic milieu enters all the false beliefs of the current age. Included among them is that there is no God, that the Universe came about and is sustained through the workings of chance and happenstance, that we evolved from lower life forms, that the earth is a globe revolving around the sun, that vaccines and drugs treat illness, that Jesus was no mere man but an immortal god, and that the most refined elites in the halls of power have the best interests of the people in their innermost hearts.

Hidden Truths
The reality is much different. God is a being of Amazing Love and Compassion who has created Souls to be His/Her children to operate in this Great Playground we call the Universe. We are the pinnacles of God’s creation, able to receive all the healing abilities and knowledge that Jesus had if we are only to seek God’s Love with all our hearts. We live on the surface of a flat earth, not on a careening globe on the edge of space. The Universe was created with intention and love and the gifts that await us are available should we choose to act with love in obedience to God’s Loving Laws. And while many of the highest authorities in government and power structures are good, “We are opposed,” as John F. Kennedy said, “around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence.”

The Top of the Pyramid
Who are our erstwhile slavemasters? Who are the men behind the curtain? They are Satanists and Jewish Kabbalists who worship Lucifer as the Lightbearer. They believe that the blood of the innocent will give them power and so they engage in human sacrifice of the most savage variety. By some estimates, there are as many as 50,000 ritualistic sacrifices in the country of the United States alone. In many cases these are children who are violently beaten and sodomized before being killed. Thereafter the blood of the victim is drunk.

It is not known the degree to which the real elite of which there are only some 8,000, actually follow Luciferian traditions. However, it is known that they encourage it in their underlings. It is also not known if these people are only Jewish. However, they are mostly Jewish and the tenets of their faith include their belief that as the chosen people of God, it is their birthright to subjugate the rest of humanity.

Those who work for the real elites are encouraged to join Masonic lodges and become freemasons. Only those who can keep secrets well are allowed into higher degrees of this order. The workers for the elite who exist in the strata of the pyramid just below the very top include CEOs, world leaders including presidents and prime ministers, bankers, parliament members and others. In order to keep them in line, these people are encouraged to engage in child sacrifice and other horrific practices. In order to reach the inner circle, you must agree to never divulge the secrets you are entrusted with under penalty of death. Those who do fall out of line are subject to death, torture, or complete societal ostracism.

All the workings of the elite classes are all well within human law. These laws include the basics of Contract Law, Merchant Law, Maritime Law and other laws. The true knowledge of how the system works is kept from the public in order that they are kept ignorant of the facts. The ultimate goal of the people at the top of the pyramid are to choose a messiah figure under their control to lead a world government.

Information Control
The media is controlled. Secret service agencies in America, the UK, Israel and other countries are controlled and even utilized to the ends of the elite. Terrorist organizations work directly for the elite. Terror is an industry for elite business interests, to keep the masses afraid, and to direct fault away from the true instigators. Around the world, false flag attacks are conducted to guide people into war. Pearl Harbor and 9/11 are examples of such false flags. Internally, acts of terror and brutality, sometimes fake, sometimes real and sometimes a mix of both are perpetrated. Examples of these include the Boston Marathon bombing and the Sandy Hook Shooting.

Our Own Responsibility
These slavemasters are ruthless killers who have one thing in mind: self-preservation. They are in power because the common man will not stand up and take responsibility for his or her own life, including all their sins and mistakes. Contrary to popular opinion, God has the heart to forgive even the worst sin imaginable. But we believe God is not a loving God. We vainly attempt to hide our sin and lie our way to supposed peace, and troubled safety. We carry this sin unchecked throughout our lives. Year by year, the burden of our sin bears down upon us, causing all the disease and unfortunate events of our lives. The truth is that our system is built, not on the evil of those at the top, but by the good people who follow their fear.

Better that we repent and seek God’s forgiveness which is ever ready for the sincere heart. It is only through sincerity that God can remove the sin from us. True correction of sinful behavior requires that we see the reasons why we have committed this sin.

As we grow in love and truth, we attract different events into our lives. The changes we’ve made in our soul can be felt as inexplicable differences by those around us. We begin to see the sickness in society and call it for what it is. Instead of feeding it, we cut it off. We refuse the demands of hateful people because of our love for them. As we grow in love, we drop our addictive behavior and stop enabling the addictions we see in others. And as that occurs we remove our own shackles and stand in our own authority by the responsibility we take over our own lives.

My Relationship with Truth
Finally, let's talk about truth. This text does not contain the whole truth. There may be parts of it that are even misleading. However, I am confident about what I have stated. I am also confident that while there is truth here, there is also misunderstanding and contrivances. As a child of God, I believe that the truth is available to me but requires that I am poised to receive it. Also, although we can call a red, shiny fruit an apple, we have not described in that moment all the qualities of that apple. In much the same way, we may look through a scanner darkly. It is incumbent upon the seeker of truth to keep their heart and mind open to new revelations. Ultimately, I believe we can rely on God's Omniscience. Resting on that, if we continue to seek God's Love and Truth, we can be assured of finding it in the by and by.
