There is a need in the world today to discuss the existence of a Creator. People are afraid to look at this topic in a real way. We all know the wonder of nature and we all ask what our place is. Ultimately, we want to know if there is a Divine Intelligence behind it all. And if there is, does He or She love us? These kinds of issues are safe in places of worship. They are safe to consider alone in the moments before sleep. They are safe when we go hiking in the woods and catch the last gleam of sunlight from the setting sun. But they are not safe in the public sphere. They are not safe in the media. God is a word that has been banished from public discourse. Time magazine publishes it on the front cover every few years as an afterthought. On the movie screen, if God is mentioned, it is in passing or in a negative light during the bad guy monologue. It's time for a change. Let's talk about God. I want to make a movie about one man's humble relationship with God. R...