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Allowing Comments on My Youtube Channel

Normally I don’t allow comments or the option to see likes and dislikes on my videos. I made this choice for several reasons:

1. I wanted to be free of considering the response to my videos.
2. I wanted to follow the template that Jesus and Mary made for their videos.
3. I wanted to make my videos out of a desire to share with people, not out of a desire to please people or get recognition.
4. If I allowed comments, some people would use the opportunity to engage with me in co-dependant addictions - I would get more viewers but the quality would go down.
5. I didn’t want people to stop watching my videos due to the like to dislike ratio - I wanted them to review the content itself.

But for most of these reasons, there is an alternative positive aspect to leaving comments and the option to see likes and dislikes. If you see likes or dislikes, you may be able to gauge the response and see if it’s worth your time. The likes to dislikes ratio can sometimes accurately reflect the quality of the video content.

Allowing comments means I have the opportunity to see how people respond to what I post. I also get the chance to engage with them and offer my own advice and opinion.

But what to do with angry and mean-spirited comments? Should I just let them stand? Seeing the comment and feeling whatever emotions that appear inside of me in reaction would help me to grow.

What if the comments were angry towards someone else? If I point out the nasty motivation, the person has a chance to look at their error. If they deny what I have said and continue to post in a harassing manner, it would then require a lot of time for myself to point out all the errors and to remove all the comments as well as manage the way other people may be abused. If someone does not see that they are being abused, I may not have the time to put out that fire. I believe that is the main reason Jesus does not allow comments on the thousand plus videos he has up.

But two people that I admire - Jason Richard Mangan and Zachary M. Bradley - who have Youtube channels sharing their thoughts about Divine Truth do allow comments on their channel’s videos. Looking at how they accept what’s posted on their channel has turned the tide for me.

And so, I have changed my mind on this subject for now and, as a trial, I will now allow these features on my channel until I decide otherwise.
