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All my work is free to use

I consider myself to be a child of God. My Heavenly Parent and the higher spirits in the spirit world can see all that I create. Because we are meant to live life as an open book, I invite anyone on Earth or in the spirit world to use any of my work in any way, shape, or form.

Please use my work when you have a loving motivation. Until you are perfect, you may not always have excellent discernment over the love in your heart. If you feel the balance of your motivations sways towards love, then feel free.

This goes for my written works, my spoken word, my melodies, my image, or anything I have created that can be copied or digitized. I will endeavor to put any material object I have constructed in the care of those who would use it well until its usefulness wanes.

I do not intend to copyright any of the work that I do in hopes of economic gain. I see the practice of copyrighting one’s own work as a belligerent and selfish act which can only be motivated by fear. I myself or those who have developed love in their heart can accurately appraise whether a work is mine or not.

Some people may choose to modify, change, or mistranslate my work while calling it original. Others may use it to attack or to undermine my efforts. Obviously these people will be compensated adequately for any violent or uncaring feeling in their heart. All loving actions are rewarded and all unloving actions are penalized by God’s Law. Where possible, I will attempt to redirect those unloving desires in others. I will not attack or seek legal action against those who misuse my work but will speak against it when to do so would be instructive.

I am not here presuming that all my work is loving because much of it is not. God knows exactly what I do and why. When I realize a mistake, I hope to correct it by working through the unloving emotions inside. That being said, I would ask that my brothers and sisters across the universe deal with me with forgiveness and understanding. Constructive criticism will be taken into account.

As a child of God who is working to attain perfection and beyond, I have to thank my Creator for blessing me with all my talents. I have also to thank the well-meaning friends who have loved me through their guidance, encouragement, and donations. My work is the service that I give to all my brothers and sisters in honor of our Heavenly Parent.

I, Theodore Emmanuel Kirkley, sincerely place these feelings in print form. They are subject to change at any time. My name may also change but my soul will always be my own.
