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Showing posts from March, 2020

What It Takes To Scare Someone

Just a thought I wanted to share. If you want to scare someone, you don't have to intimidate or threaten them. You only really have to convince them that someone else was harmed in a horrific and pitiless way. It does not matter if the story you tell is true. It simply has to be imaginable. And when someone is sufficiently afraid, they are ripe for control. This is what is going on with the Corona Virus Scare. People are being whipped up and frightened.

Changes in the Workplace

Hey Everyone, In this post I'd like to suggest some ideas for how we can change the workplace so we can enjoy work instead of it being a drudgery and a slog. I will also suggest changes you can make in your personal life... because it all starts with you! Helping Real People How do you serve someone in a way that will help them? We must remember that we are there to help real people with real lives. These people are not statistics - they are our sisters and brothers. We must always ask ourselves how best we can help our sisters and brothers and how best to help nourish, support, and love them. Attitude is Everything When looking for work, (which is not just "a job" but a way to engage in this dynamic world we are a part of) look for something best suited to your interests. And when you bring someone on board, look for positive qualities in their personality and their interest in the goals of the organization. As the great CEO Papa John would say, "Hire for at...