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An ExtraOrdinary Child

What is the potential of a child?

In one of Jesus' talks (linked below), he shares how responsible he was from an early age. I always marvel at it and begin to wonder how children can be properly raised if we stopped...
- doing everything for them
- taking care of them in some way when we can educate them on how to do it themselves
- watching them like hawks
- pulling them down when they make mistakes

Instead, we can...
- encourage them to take initiative
- facilitate their unique God-given desires
- teach them that God is their real Parent and will always be there for them
- show them that a mistake is just an opportunity to learn

When Jesus was 5, he had three different jobs. When he was 12, he was making as much money as his father. In other videos, he also talked about how he cleaned up after himself, did his own laundry, and cooked for himself.

The testimony I am referring to begins at 31:05 in this video:
