In this day and age, many people would like to get out of paying taxes. Some people say it goes against natural law to even levy a tax on someone. Other people believe it's part of the social contract.
Seek the Truth and you shall find it.
If your eligibility for government services is reliant on your agreement to certain human-made laws, then you are in a contract with the government. You are agreeing to terms. An ethical person wishing not to pay taxes levied by the government would also not enjoy the services the government provides.
Of course, if we were truly taught this, and given the option as young people whether the social contract is something we want to agree to, that would be more ideal.
For those who question the taxes levied upon them, it may be in their interest to study human-made law. Learning about Maritime Law, Contract Law, and Merchant Law is a good place to start. Learning about the Federal Reserve system, Social Security, and Corporations would also be helpful. In the following paragraphs, I will outline the system we are in as I have come to learn of it. For more information, look into the work of Winston Shrout.
When the American colonists sought to detach from the British Crown they formed a government under the Articles of Confederation. This did not work out in paying the war debt from the Revolutionary War. Later, in a Constitutional Convention, the founding fathers came together and created the new Constitution which went into effect in 1789. In lieu of paying the debt, a lien was put on the American territories. That meant that, until the debt was paid in full, the land was not fully the estate of the American people.
In 1859, 70 years later, the terms of the lien expired and the debt was not fully paid. But now, there was more American land that could be put on a new lien. Under the new agreement, the creditors to the American government had control over a wider swath of country. But the new terms caused problems internally and helped to fuel the conflict that was the Civil War.
In 1929, another 70 years later, the lien was up once again but the American land could no longer serve as effective collateral for the now oversized debt. So a system was put in place where an identity was attached to every citizen where their work and labor could be traded on. The pretty name given to this system was Social Security.
Finally, in 1999, the debts were paid in full and the corporation called The United States of America was dissolved with William Jefferson Clinton as its last president.
Alternatively, I have also heard that the United States of America is still a corporation incorporated in the British Commonwealth, which is under the government of the Vatican as a part of an organization called "Christendom." In this theory, 3 districts run the world:
- The Vatican as the religious head
- London as the financial arm
- and the District of Columbia as the world police
Although these secret bodies wield so much power, it is only in relation to the power given them by people who like to defer responsibility and persist in fear. By seeking God's Truth on every subject, receiving God's love, and practicing humility in feeling every emotion in the soul, we can release the fear and doubt and be freed of bondage.
But what would a more loving world look like? In a more loving world, money would not exist.
Money or the One Eye (Mono-Eye) is the mechanism through which the inordinate control we see everywhere is maintained. Dark Occultists created the concept out of thin air and we believe a thing of fiction has value. In the current paradigm, people are enslaved to creditors through debt. You are indoctrinated from youth that the world runs on money. You carry fiat currency around in your pocket that pervades your thoughts until it is out of your pocket and you despair until you have it again.
When you study law carefully, you will find that it is all Commerce. Courts are simply establishments for the remuneration of financial obligation.
Some people feel that the only other option is a barter economy.
How about a gift economy? Give to others when you want to give them something.
There are so many ways in which we help each other. Whether it's physical touch, sex, affection, attention, meal preparation, activity organization, homemaking, art, architecture, land beautification, or just a simple material gift, we are always giving.
But to put a price on those things cheapens all of these offerings. Even expecting something in return puts the mind in a state of dis-ease.
Instead, give from the love in your own heart. Love your sister or brother as you would have them love you. Love yourself as you would have others love you. And always thank God for making the miracle of life possible.
Then we can truly render back to Caesar what is his and thereby free ourselves from the yoke of tyrannical institutions.
I am not calling for anarchy or the end of all government forms. But let us model our organizations on God's loving laws instead of the degraded perspective of greedy minds.
Always seek God's Truth and Love and you will learn about God's economy. In God's economy, all Her children are loved equally and provided for according to their actions in harmony with their faith.
Seek the Truth and you shall find it.
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