Can We Permanently Heal the Body?
Everyone has experienced the loss of function of some part of the body. Whether through injury or disease, no one yet has experienced a completely perfect organism that continues to improve rather than degrade.
Everyone has also asked, even if it was only once, why does this happen? They may not ask their parents, but their inner voice will project a query out into the universe.
And we've all asked a related question. Can I be healed?
If I am healed, who will do it? Is it through my own force of will? Through constant, repetitious adherence to a healthcare regimen? Perhaps through affirmations I tell myself regularly, I can train my mind. Perhaps, a spiritual guru will use their healing powers to grant me my wish.
What about God? Could he heal me? Perhaps not God, but Jesus.
In the Bible it says that Jesus healed the sick and the infirm. But he also said, after healing some people, "thy faith hath made thee whole." So is it our own faith that makes us whole? What is faith? And how do I use it once I get it?
What the Divine Truth Teachings Say about Healing
Alan John Miller who claims to be Jesus reincarnated, has shared information regarding how the body can heal. He says that it is through feeling and releasing emotions in the soul as well as through the reception of God's love, you can be healed. Additionally, he has revealed that the method by which he healed people in the first century was by transmitting God's love through his own soul to theirs. And this he could only achieve if the person being healed had a loving desire to be healed by God. In his teachings Jesus says desire and faith mean the same thing.
According to AJ, he was able to transmit God's love only because he went through his own process of development known as the Divine Love path. This is where you seek not for knowledge you can discover in the world by your own hand or the perfection of your own person through your personal efforts, but where you enlist God's help in the process of development. This includes experiencing all your own feelings at all times (something AJ calls humility), and then asking God for greater Truth as well as God's love.
AJ says he returned to earth in order to demonstrate this process. If he succeeds, he says his body will heal itself over time, and begin to return to the healthy state of a man in his prime.
While he has not yet achieved a perfect body, he claims that parts of his body have already been healed through feeling and releasing negative emotions in his soul. For more information on the Divine Truth teachings, check out
My Desire to Test the Theory
If what this man claims is correct, I personally feel a strong desire to test out the theories presented.
My process would be to frequently request God's assistance in my personal life as I attract situations that trigger the negative emotions in my soul. These moments are my opportunity to notice these emotions, feel them, then release them.
One major physical concern I have is my teeth. Over my 38 years on earth, the condition of my teeth has deteriorated. According the Divine Truth teachings, (which for me remain unproven theories) it is my sin or errors that have degraded the condition of my teeth over time. As a result, general decay took place, cavities have formed, infections have started, and nerve pain has been triggered. My gums are also red and easily bloodied, and my jaw is slightly out of place with an underbite.
When I was very young, I was taken to the dentist to get drilled and filled while my family was billed. This taught me that the appropriate response to dental caries (the decay and crumbling of a tooth) is to seek the care of an allopathic dentist. I continued that practice well into my adult years. Even after discovering the Divine Truth teachings, I decided that the best response to tooth pain and a disfigured mouth was to get treated this way. My visits to the dentist and agreement with their protocols have lead to many fillings, the extraction of teeth, and a root canal and capping of a tooth.
My Goals for Healing
I still have pain in my mouth and a disfigured smile. But instead of going to the dentist, I want to make a renewed effort to test AJ's claims.
My ultimate goal is to have a perfect smile. To me, that means:
- having 32 real, whole, healthy, symmetrical teeth
- healthy gums
- and a properly placed jaw with a slight overbite
Proving the Healing Process to Others
If I am able to completely renew my smile, inquisitive minds will wonder how I did it. Some people will disbelieve that my teeth were restored through the release of emotion and reception of God's love. Because developing faith in God and releasing error from the soul is a very personal process, it would be difficult to prove healing took place without careful attention and documentation by a trusted source. There is no one in my life now who would like to help me document this methodology.
So, if I want to help others, the only tools I have now is to show evidence of decay. Later, if I succeed in my goal, evidence of change and healing can be presented. It is then incumbent on concerned parties whether or not they want to believe my word or dismiss it.
Evidence of Tooth Decay
The following photos are from early 2019. Notice that the bottom front tooth to the left (tooth #24) is chipped. Also notice that the bottom jaw is slightly left of center.
You can see here how the enamel on the top teeth is chipping away.
In late 2019, I chipped my top tooth #8:
Here you can see the underbite where the mandible protrudes. The conventional bite is a slight overbite.
Here is an X-Ray of my teeth from the Fall of 2019. Tooth #1 is severely decayed and I had it removed. You can see fillings in 7, 8, 9 and others. I had a metal post drilled in and a fake tooth made for tooth #10. The trained eye can also notice decay in other places.
The following shows a checklist of the corrections an allopathic dentist would have liked to make following an examination of my teeth.
In the Spring of 2022, I had my two front teeth extracted: T8 and T9. Earlier, I had the back teeth T2, T15, and T19 removed.
This photo was taken on November 5, 2022. Please note the significant decay on the side of T7. Also note the general decay of other teeth.
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