I was inspired to write this after watching the movie Gandhi. It was shown how the famous nonviolent activist would spend much of his time weaving simple fabrics in keeping with his moral convictions. He felt that because most of India was poor, he must also remain poor in solidarity. In the second part of the film Mohandas is taught by his wife how to weave fabric. She laughs that he was born with 10 thumbs because he cannot seem to get the hang of it. But after time goes by, as in all things, with solemn effort put forth, Mohandas begins to get better and better. He is shown weaving in scene after scene. I began to wonder what if he makes too many clothes. Is there such a thing as too much? I suppose if you have 10 billion people on earth and each person has need only for 3 garments, making 30 billion garments is a good idea. But you wouldn't make 100 billion. People have used the term supply and demand to represent how producing something should be commensurate with people's...