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Overwhelming Amounts of Gratitude for my Progression

I wish I could download to everyone all the wisdom I have been getting lately. I have been seeking God's help on a number of matters and can definitely say that praying for help makes life so much easier. There is a stark difference between learning without God versus learning with God.

I have been getting more and more evidence lately that the Divine Truth is correct. It's so difficult to convey this. It's something that I feel from personal research of testing things out. How can I detail every moment of my day to you? That's impossible. AJ says that you can become sensitive to emotions and then communicate emotionally which is better than mind-to-mind or human language. Perhaps I will be able to do that one day and those interested will be able to receive my communiques.

I have been posting up so much on my Youtube channel and blog ever since I found the Divine Truth. I always wonder if I should post the next thing. Will my condition be good enough? Will this video help people or harm people?

I don't know the answer to that and I often feel like my heart is stretched and beaten in the process of tapping that "Publish" button. But for now, even with my recent additions, I still want to post less until I grow more. I have been focusing more on my blog instead of my Youtube and think I will do that going forward.

I hope that one day you will be able to see a better Theo and I can be one suggestion on your path to the Truth that God is there, Le loves YOU!, and wants you to be happy.
