It will be interesting to see how words change as humanity accepts more of God's Truth. For instance, we have this word "parent" and use it to refer to a man and woman who had sex and successfully fertilized an egg. We put a lot of emphasis on "parenthood" and even go to such degrees as marking ownership over the children we have after that fertilization but we often disregard the work God has already done in creating the laws that provide for the creation of the physical body of that child. Furthermore, we are not aware of the reality of the soul which is completely created by God.
Jesus called God his Father and instructed us to do the same. But God is not just a Father, she is also a Mother. For the ease of it, I call God my Parent or our Parent when talking with others.
And God is the real parent. Perhaps we will find a better word than parent and use that but it's very important to see the Truth that God loves us as a loving parent would. It is difficult when we are raised with unloving people to know how that would feel but we have to trust in the ability of our imagination and use the Golden Rule to divine how a loving God that is perfected in love might treat us.
For now, I recommend referring to God exclusively as our Parent and dropping that moniker for the two people who helped to create our physical body and spirit body. Our soul was attracted to them during the conception process for a whole set of reasons and it is a beautiful process that we will come to understand in time. But these two people are not the rulers of our lives and we do not have to answer to them. As soon as we are able, we may leave their company and be with others. Unfortunately, there is so much control levelled against children currently on the planet that many of them cannot even leave home until they are 25. Perhaps in a more loving world, children who are taught how to properly care for themselves can leave at age 7.
A quick aside: I remember as a child wanting to run away. I soon realized I didn't know where I would sleep at night. I knew it would be cold. And I knew if someone found me, I would be returned to my parents. There really was no escape. The truth is that my parents wanted it that way. In a sense, I was their pawn, their puppet, their vassal. They were my feudal lords or slavemasters and I had to live up to their expectations or possibly face death.
So what term should we use for these two people? What is their role? They are really child care providers. God charges them with carrying the child to term, and then, if they are able, to care for the child until they can make their own way in the world. Every child wants to be independent, find their soulmate, and follow their passions. If a parent constricts these loving desires in a child, society would do well to find another child care provider, even if they didn't assist in the conception process.
Another good word for a Child Care Provider which is easier to use is Guardian. Such a word is often used to denote someone other than the two people involved in the conception process who takes over the care of a child. Unfortunately, Guardians are often judged on the planet today. Because they were not involved in the conception of that child many question why they are doing the important work of raising that child. This is very unfortunate and shows the lack of Truth on the planet. Many times a Guardian is far better equipped than the two initially involved in the conception of that child.
Notice how I keep referring to that long phrase? "The two initially involved in the conception of that child." Well, it may be beneficial to have a word to refer to those people in contradistinction to Guardian such as First Guardians or something. We will end up creating better words once we accept the Truth.
What's really most important is to accept the Truth that God is our loving Parent and Creator and that the two people we refer to as our parents did not create us but were given the gift of being able to raise us. These people are actually a sister and brother to us under God and if we go into the care of another Guardian, they will also be a sister or brother to us.
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