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Divine Truth Research

Does God want to support me in conducting research on.... The Truth?

You'd think, "Yeah, sure." But I have misgivings about it.

I mean, it makes sense in a way but I believe strongly that if you're not working your ass off, you're a bad person. In other words, "Go get a job, you leech!"

Then I think, "Well, if it's true that you can feel and release certain grief emotions and then heal your body, um, shouldn't we conduct some research and find out?" Don't people get paid lots of money to do research into curing diseases?

I was sitting on the toilet and I had a bad thought about my roommate. Then I was like, "Oh no, that probably matters." I mean, unloving feelings and thoughts have real world effects. So then I'm like, "Well, damn it, I should go feel that." But then I thought, I get thoughts like that all the time - not just towards my roommate but my friends, co-workers, acquaintances, family members, bosses, and people I see for the first time in public. That's a lot of bad thoughts. If I really tried to release all the underlying emotions behind those thoughts, it would take a long time. Ain't nobody gonna pay me for that.

Then I go to work and I have bad thoughts about my co-workers and I'm like, "Oh no, I should feel that." But then I think, to really feel that I would probably want to go into a rage and I can't do that at work. So maybe I leave my job early and go feel it or go and come back? Nobody is cool with that though. You don't just come and go as you please unless it's your company.

So yes, I don't believe God wants to support me in conducting Divine Truth Research. Sucks for me, I guess. Maybe you will have more courage and actually take the time to feel your emotions and then attract the resources you need.
