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Showing posts from December, 2023

Lessons in Love when Following Your Passions

I grew up loving movies. Watching them had a profound effect on me. However, I felt the messages many of them sent were unkind. It was rare for a character to mention their relationship with God or to mention God at all. If God was mentioned, it was sometimes to declare that Le (my pronoun for God) may exist but doesn't care about us. I also found growing up that I love to perform in front of others. I thought I could bring these two things together by performing in movies that helped people. But I soon learned that the life of an actor can be very difficult. Many actors make films not because they believe in the project but to keep their career going and to avoid money fears. There also aren't many projects like The Lion King or What Dreams May Come with storylines that inspire. So I thought I would take the producing and directing mantle and try to create projects that I would love to watch even if I couldn't perform in them. I made my first short film in Connecticut then...

Noticing Spirit Possession

Growing up, I was privileged to be taught about the spirit world. Instead of getting a fire and brimstone doctrine about the hell you may go to if you sin, I was taught that there are many different planes of the spirit world and you went to the location with people that had a similar level of love and enjoyed the company of those with similar tastes. Unfortunately, that was the limit of the knowledge I got. The Divine Truth teachings gave me a deeper perspective on the spirit world and also spirit possession. It has helped deepen my awareness of what may be out there and also notice certain interactions among people where there is heavy spirit influence. For instance, I have heard many stories of people becoming furious and having no memory of what they did in their fury. I was driving a client years ago when she shared an experience where her brother beat her up so badly that she had to get reconstructive surgery on her face. Amazingly they were both adults at the time. I asked her h...

The Burnt Down Starbucks in Taos (a letter to the editor of Taos News)

Someone burned down the Starbucks... twice. Who did it? Who is responsible? People would like to know. But there is a question not everyone is asking. How much am I responsible? Years ago, I told a friend that it would be a good idea to burn down a McDonald's. I did this at a Unitarian Universalist service in Fargo, North Dakota. He asked me if I knew what I was saying? I did. He then brought me before others and had me repeat what I said. And I did. I later realized that he thought I was crazy. But in my mind, I was completely justified. I have been struggling with my weight since I was 5 years old. Every time I try to forego overeating and snacking on junk food, I get a panic attack. I hate how that feels so I run to the store and buy heaps of junk food. To me, McDonald's, Kellogg's, and Sonic used to be the enemy. They help facilitate my obesity and all the physical pain I experience as a result of it. I have never burned down a McDonald's or any other place. I have ...

The Oglers Screenplay

Here is the screenplay for my short film The Oglers. Here is a link to the movie: SCENE 1 EXT. (Slow zoom angled full shot on JERRY sitting on a park bench, worrying about something.)   SCENE 2 EXT. (Est. shot of JERRY walking down the sidewalk. On the other end of the street, we see TONY at a half-jog pace following JERRY. Cut to Medium shot of JERRY walking.)   TONY (off-camera) Hey! Hold up young blood!   JERRY (looks off screen and smiles when he sees TONY) Hey Tony.   TONY (comes into frame, camera now on both individuals) Wassup? Wassup?   JERRY Not much.   TONY Whatchu doin? Chilling? JERRY Just thinking, you know.   TONY Thinking or worrying? JERRY Thinking… I think.   TONY Gotcha…. What about?   JERRY You know, life and all that’s in it - the important stuff. TONY Oh no, you don’t want to do that. Stop thinking, start living.   JERRY Yeah? Maybe. Whatchu up to? TONY Oh, you know. Check...