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Showing posts from May, 2020

The Body's Pump

A German by the name of Arnold Ehret learned the power fasting and using vegan, whole foods when he healed from a life-threatening ailment. He went on to develop the Mucusless Diet. Mucus, pus, and yeast develop in the body when we feed on excess starch, sugar, and oil. This diet aims to prevent the formation of such problematic compounds. One interesting tidbit I learned from Ehret was how the lungs are the pump for the body. Most people think it's the heart. But when you consider how important breathing is, how the lungs are connected to the heart, and how the air pressure can be used to push blood through our cardiovascular system, it starts to make sense. Notice your breathing through the day. Notice the moments you stop breathing. What happened to make you do that? How are you feeling? We need to breathe and breathe well in order to feed our body with oxygen and feel through emotions of fear.

An ExtraOrdinary Child

What is the potential of a child? In one of Jesus' talks (linked below), he shares how responsible he was from an early age. I always marvel at it and begin to wonder how children can be properly raised if we stopped... - doing everything for them - taking care of them in some way when we can educate them on how to do it themselves - watching them like hawks - pulling them down when they make mistakes Instead, we can... - encourage them to take initiative - facilitate their unique God-given desires - teach them that God is their real Parent and will always be there for them - show them that a mistake is just an opportunity to learn When Jesus was 5, he had three different jobs. When he was 12, he was making as much money as his father. In other videos, he also talked about how he cleaned up after himself, did his own laundry, and cooked for himself. The testimony I am referring to begins at 31:05 in this video:

Marriage in the Unification Church

This is the second of 3 speeches given to members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fargo-Moorhead. Marriage in the Unification Church One fine evening in the fall, my dad was driving me in silence back to my private high school. I sought to break the stillness of the long ride with a single question that might spark interesting conversation. Under the glow of the setting sun, with ribbons of highway stretched before us, and lush autumnal colors drifting past, I asked my father, "Dad, when will I start growing hair on my face?" His answer was so deliberate, strange, and surprising, there could be no response from a boy of 13: "When your dick stands up at night." After my initial shock dissipated, fury began to well up in me. I sat beside him raging inwardly with a thousand unutterable, unfathomable, unreasonable rebukes. Further back still, in early middle school, I brought a couple of words to my mother that needed explanation. You see the kids in school we...

Growing up in the Unification Church

When I was 24 years old, I saw no way forward in my life and I chose to try and end it. I moved to Fargo, North Dakota from Bridgeport, Connecticut to finish the deed. After being "unsuccessful," I wandered to a homeless shelter and started my life up again. But I had abandoned the faith I was raised in by that point.   My desire for a community lead me to the good folks at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fargo-Moorhead. They were a group that accepted all believers whether you were Buddhist, Islamic, Christian, Jew, something else, or even an atheist or an agnostic. I felt it was the perfect fit for me at that time.   Each week a new speaker took the podium at the church, offering their wisdom and experience. I felt I also had some meaningful things to share. After thinking about it for months, I asked if I could speak and the good people there obliged me. The first speech I gave was well-received and so I gave two more. I have pasted the first speech below....

Rendering unto Caesar

In this day and age, many people would like to get out of paying taxes. Some people say it goes against natural law to even levy a tax on someone. Other people believe it's part of the social contract. If your eligibility for government services is reliant on your agreement to certain human-made laws, then you are in a contract with the government. You are agreeing to terms. An ethical person wishing not to pay taxes levied by the government would also not enjoy the services the government provides. Of course, if we were truly taught this, and given the option as young people whether the social contract is something we want to agree to, that would be more ideal. For those who question the taxes levied upon them, it may be in their interest to study human-made law. Learning about Maritime Law, Contract Law, and Merchant Law is a good place to start. Learning about the Federal Reserve system, Social Security, and Corporations would also be helpful. In the following paragra...