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Showing posts from January, 2024

America at a Crossroads

National boundaries are a funny thing. They say, “This is my area and that’s yours.” Depending on how angry the people with that boundary are, this can be a bad thing or not so bad thing. I don’t know if the saying, “Good fences make good neighbors,” is a truism but there seem to be levels of love involved that affect the amount of joy that can be experienced between those neighbors. I begin with that introduction because I want to talk about America. I am an American whether I like it or not. I am not a patriot nor do I want to be but I have to acknowledge that I was born here and the culture and values of the people in these borders have shaped my views to a large extent. I have had the benefit of exploring places outside America including SouthEast Asia, Europe, Canada, and Mexico. That gift, as well as growing up in a church with a lot of Asian influence, has also helped me have a wider view of things. I increasingly ask myself what America’s role is on the world stage. What ...

Imagining the Future of Websites

I am currently going through the grueling process of downloading all my videos from Youtube onto a 1TB external hard drive. This important work is not fun for me and brings up emotions about some of the damage I may have caused through my past work. Anyway, many people I follow have their own websites and I would like to create one someday. Currently, I like using Google's excellent Youtube and Blogger services as the prospect of creating my own website seems daunting to me. However, it does excite me that I would have more control of my work through a personal website instead of relying on Google. When I think about what I would put on my website, I would like videos to be embedded (right word?) as well as all my blog posts available. So really the blog would be there instead of on Blogger. Additionally, I might like to make many of my personal journals available in a separate section. My personal journal is private more because it would be too much for the average person to read ...

Parents are Really Child Care Providers

It will be interesting to see how words change as humanity accepts more of God's Truth. For instance, we have this word "parent" and use it to refer to a man and woman who had sex and successfully fertilized an egg. We put a lot of emphasis on "parenthood" and even go to such degrees as marking ownership over the children we have after that fertilization but we often disregard the work God has already done in creating the laws that provide for the creation of the physical body of that child. Furthermore, we are not aware of the reality of the soul which is completely created by God. Jesus called God his Father and instructed us to do the same. But God is not just a Father, she is also a Mother. For the ease of it, I call God my Parent or our Parent when talking with others. And God is the real parent. Perhaps we will find a better word than parent and use that but it's very important to see the Truth that God loves us as a loving parent would. It is difficul...

Solving Self-Punishment before Solving my Diet

I have spent years trying to lose weight. About 32 years to be exact as I’m 38 now and started plumping up significantly when I was 6. I always tried to follow what I heard - "Stop eating so much." I’ve counted calories, made dozens of diet plans, tried them all, thought intensely thousands and thousands of times on what I could do to change my habits, and, in the end, I always returned to overeating and junk food. Usually what I’ll do is make a plan that is in the form of a list like this: -1 sweet every other day -eat vegetables with every meal -forgo dairy -etc. And I try it for a day or two. Then I make a mistake, punish myself severely in my mind, then go and binge on food again. Recently, I’ve tried something different. Instead of watching what I eat or making a plan, I’ve been praying for help with my desire to punish myself. I usually think I’m a terrible person with no self-control or discipline and say several very unkind things to myself internally. I’ll look at al...

My Classes This Semester

Hey Everyone. I wanted to let everyone know the good news: I applied to The University of the Universe and… I was accepted! The application process was a breeze and I was notified of my acceptance within a matter of seconds. I’m so glad that I got this opportunity! Anyway, here’s a heads up on the classes I’m taking this semester: Introduction to Not Expecting Perfection at Work. This is an intro course on how to not demand more than you can currently handle or what others can currently handle in the workplace. Introduction to God is Awesome. In this course, I will learn the fundamentals of who God is in relation to me as my Creator. Introduction to How God Loves Me. This course will explore all the many ways God loves me from the simplest of physical laws to the glorious laws that govern the soul. Introduction to Receiving God's Love. In this lab class, I will test out how I feel when asking for God's Truth and Love and see whether it makes sense to ask for God's love even...

Your Personal Experience with God

God did something funny. Le gave You Free Will. (By the way, I use Le, Ler, and Lers pronouns for God) One of the qualities of this gift is that You have to discover how to use it and no one can do that for you. No one can learn for you, no one can make decisions for you, no one can exercise your passions for you. And no one can receive God’s Love for you. The fact that we can receive God’s Love is a gift of supreme magnificence. But it’s one that you must choose to receive. And you can only receive it after you seek for it. It is difficult to express this to someone who does not want to hear it. If you are convinced, for example, that there is no God, then you may call someone crazy for telling you about God. When you choose to start seeking for God’s Truth and Love, you will receive all kinds of help, but you have to make the choice. I used to ask God how I could convince other people about how good Le was. I finally realized that I didn’t think Le was that good in the first place. I...

Overwhelming Amounts of Gratitude for my Progression

I wish I could download to everyone all the wisdom I have been getting lately. I have been seeking God's help on a number of matters and can definitely say that praying for help makes life so much easier. There is a stark difference between learning without God versus learning with God. I have been getting more and more evidence lately that the Divine Truth is correct. It's so difficult to convey this. It's something that I feel from personal research of testing things out. How can I detail every moment of my day to you? That's impossible. AJ says that you can become sensitive to emotions and then communicate emotionally which is better than mind-to-mind or human language. Perhaps I will be able to do that one day and those interested will be able to receive my communiques. I have been posting up so much on my Youtube channel and blog ever since I found the Divine Truth. I always wonder if I should post the next thing. Will my condition be good enough? Will this video h...

A New Way to Look at Talent

People wonder why some of us are so good at what we do. We ask how someone came to be so talented. Were they born with it? Did they cultivate it? How does it work? Yesterday night, I uploaded an interview to Youtube with the case manager at the local shelter. I felt that I did a very good job on it. I was surprised when I looked back at it and found that there were 5 more views. Before deleting the background footage and storing the video file, I decided to re-watch it. One reason is to make sure I don't want to do further edits and the other reason is to vicariously try and see what catches people's interest in it. I noticed 2 things. I made good choices in editing and I also learned things when watching it over that I hadn't before. I do feel that this project has the potential to help others because it is palatable and educational. I am also proud of other work I've done in 2023 such as The Oglers short film, the Arms and the Man stage performance, the short story Sa...